If you are part of any company in 2021, you must be clear on one point. That is, security is everything. Today, workers store and share large amounts of data through electronic tools. This means security threats are greater than ever before. Since many companies moved to remote working, safety risks have greatly increased.
Also, the number of devices carrying sensitive data outside the workplace is rising. Thus, there is a growing need for companies to focus on security. Even within offices, one must remain careful. It can take only a few minutes of negligence to bring about huge losses. Being focused on the news on your Spectrumcable, for instance, while leaving your device exposed, can lead to data theft especially if you are using Spectrum net billing.
Why Does Data Security Matter?
In this age, data is very valuable. If you keep your cash under lock and key, then why not data?
For businesses, data is a currency. And companies secure all their data within their servers. This includes research, marketing strategies, financial data, client records, and employee histories. So, you run the risk of exposing company secrets to rivals if there is a data breach. Also, your clients may issue legal cases against you. Moreover, you will suffer a heavy hit to your brand image. It may take you years to make up for the social, legal, and financial damage. At worst, your business may not even survive.
So, companies must invest in strong security tools to prevent huge losses. Here are some methods you should use to improve your company’s safety system.
Methods of Ensuring Data Security
Draft a Formal Security Policy
When you set up a company, no matter how small, drafting its security policy should be one of your first tasks. This security guideline should cover all kinds of company security. More than that, it should detail the rules to be followed in case of any security failure.
Secure All Work Devices
The first rule of running a company is to separate personal and work devices. So, equip all employees with devices that your company controls. These devices must all use multiple security measures. For example, strong passwords, unique device ID numbers, and active anti-virus software.
Encrypt and Erase Data
Data encryption is a powerful tool that helps you double down on your security systems. This is because it scrambles any sensitive data to make it unreadable by outsiders. Also, it is a good practice to regularly erase sensitive data safely, so no one can access and misuse it.
Keep Software Updated
One of the simplest ways to ward of malware is to keep all your software updated. When all computer programs and software are up to date, they are safe against viruses. Thus, ensure that all your company devices run the latest versions of all software.
Use a Secure Wireless Network
As data is heavily shared over the internet within a company, make sure to secure your wireless network. This means your network should be private, have a unique Server Set Identifier (SSID), and be encrypted.
Work with Reliable Cloud Servers
Many companies now use cloud services to safely share data. However, not all cloud services follow key security rules. Hence, make sure to only use a service that keeps a high-security standard.
Limit Data Access
Not all data within your company should be in access to all. The more people have access, the greater the risk. Hence, assign duties and create a system for selective data access.
Implement DLP Technology
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) technology reduces the sharing of dangerous information. For example, it can prevent employees from sharing sensitive files by mistake. Also, it can detect dangers like ransomware.
Boost Physical Security
Don’t ignore the physical side of securing your office. Firstly, you should limit physical access to your office. For example, you can use security alarms and radio-frequency ID machines Also, you can further boost data security by placing your servers in private locations.
Monitor Public Information Sharing
Develop a social media strategy about what not to share online about the company. By defining the limits of acceptable public data sharing, you’ll prevent revealing sensitive company data on the internet.
Conduct Employee Training
When it comes to security, humans are the weakest link. Even layers of digital security can’t make up for the human error. So, you must keep your workers informed and updated about company security rules of conduct. Also, train them to detect threats like phishing, malware, and social engineering.