Every day, fuel prices soar to all-time highs. It consequently has a substantial impact on customers’ purchasing power. Fuel credit cards may be a way to lessen the strain of expensive fuel prices. These specific credit cards are provided by several financial institutions and can be used to refuel at any fuel station all around the nation. With these fuel credit cards, the customer receives rewards on each fuel purchase.
You need to be completely aware of the several features and benefits to get the best credit card for fuel. Simply said, fuel cards make it much simpler to buy fuel. Companies provide their drivers with fuel cards as an alternate payment method for fuel and other driving-related expenses. Payments are not subject to interest, unlike credit cards. Additionally, it gives you more security and control because you can decide whether to allow other forecourt services or only allow fuel purchases. What limitations you impose is entirely up to you.
Businesses of all sizes wishing to have more control over their fuel expenses are using fuel cards at an increasing rate. Each fuel card has expenditure limitations per card and 24-hour access to the online account it is linked to. Several benefits come with the best credit card for fuel.
The majority of credit card companies give you options for reducing the cost of purchasing fuel. One such card that can assist you in coping with the high cost of petrol is the Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank SuperCard. You can also use it to make interest-free cash withdrawals. Moreover, you can get a great rewards program that you can use to buy fuel.
How to Keep Your Fuel Costs Low with Fuel Credit Cards?
There are several ways to lower fuel costs when using a fuel credit card. Here is how you can save money on your fuel expenses:
- Cashback
You receive rewards through cashback while using certain credit cards to make purchases. This implies that you may also get a predetermined amount depending on the value of a transaction you make using your credit card. You will get the predetermined amount in the form of a refund or an increase to your credit limit. This total can be used to reduce the cost of fuel. Apply for credit card that has a cashback feature.
- Surcharge Waiver
Another strategy to lessen the blow is taking advantage of the surcharge waivers that credit card companies allow. Credit cards typically incur a transaction fee when you buy fuel, also referred to as a surcharge. Cards with surcharge waivers lower the fee by a specific percentage. Consider it as a 1%–3% surcharge discount when using a credit card to pay for purchases between Rs. 400 and Rs. 4,000.
- Extra Reward Points
Some credit card providers have partnerships with particular gas stations. Get two, three, or even ten times as many reward points when you fill up at these stations. This is possible in addition to a surcharge or cashback. These reward points can later be applied to the purchase of fuel or used to defray the cost of purchasing necessities.
- Reward Points Earned at Certain Stores
The majority of credit cards let you earn reward points on every purchase, including those for groceries, plane tickets, clothes, appliances, or even just food. The points you earn can be used to purchase fuel. Therefore, utilise credit cards wisely to make fuel purchases more affordable. Apply for a credit card if you don’t already have one, keeping in mind the card’s perks for fuel reductions.
Considerations that You Must Make Before Choosing a Fuel Credit Card:
- Interest Rate and Payment Pattern
Users of fuel credit cards should opt for the best credit card for fuel. A card with a low-interest rate and a convenient payment schedule is considered the best. This is because consumers will be using these cards frequently.
- Fees and Charges
Annual card fees, processing fees, service fees, and other expenses are associated with credit cards. Therefore, it’s crucial to look for a credit card with competitive fees. This is due to the fact that paying exorbitant fees will nullify any benefits received from cashback, vouchers, etc.
- Redemption Process
These cards’ redemption procedures can be difficult. It is best to review all the terms and conditions as well as the processing time before choosing a card.
Consumers may find fuel credit cards useful in the context of increased fuel prices. The majority of credit cards available on the market provide incentives for purchasing fuel. Fuel credit cards are specifically made to save money whenever a person purchases fuel for their vehicle. However, those who choose such a card should follow the payback schedule to avoid damaging their credit score.