In 2014, there were around 182,000 persons that participated in Prince2 Training Melbourne certification tests. PRINCE2 certification is held by approximately two-thirds of all project professionals working in the UK. Around the world, an increasing number of individuals are enrolling in training courses leading to certification in the PM approach.
It is already required for many newly created positions in project management in the United Kingdom. There are also a significant number of training companies that provide courses for individuals to take to become certified. People who are getting ready to take the Prince2 Training Melbourne or Practitioner examinations will find the book “Passing the PRINCE2 Exams For Dummies” helpful.
Book Details
In the context of the For Dummies series, the paperback edition of this book was release by Wiley Publishing in April 2013. It is around 0.8 inches thick and has 344 pages in total. Large fonts are used to write the book’s title across the upper to center half of the page locate on the front cover, which features the well-known yellow and black For Dummies theme. The author’s name is displayed in the bottom left corner, and a picture of flying stunt planes is present in the bottom right area of the page.
What the Clients Have to Say
Steinar Heskestad believed that the book gave him everything he required to succeed on his Practitioner tests.
One of the people in charge of the project, Merci-A, thought the book was written well. She claimed that the book assisted her in filling in all of the holes in her PRINCE2 education. And that she believes it should be considered an essential companion to the official guidebook.
Content, Method, and Methodology
There are 22 chapters spread over the five parts of Passing the PRINCE2 Exams for Dummies. The first section of the book is an explanation of the exams. It is divided into three chapters that each address some background information regarding. Because the exams and the format of the questions utilised in both the exams and the book. The second section reviews, or revisions, the seven processes discussed individually, beginning in Chapter 4 and continuing through Chapter 10.
The third section provides an overview of the seven recurring themes discussed in Chapters 10 through 17, and the fourth section, which includes Chapters 18 and 19, is an overview of the approach. The final section, which consists of Chapters 20 to 22. But some helpful advice for getting ready for the examinations and some recommendations. So for comprehending the product-based planning technique utilized in PRINCE2.
The book uses language that is simple to comprehend
When there are specialized terms, definitions are typically provide for those terms. The book prepares readers for the Foundation and Practitioner exams. By including topic headers, lists, checklists, clarifications, quizzes, and practice problems. In addition, it has funny pictures and icons, which are use as unique marks. This is not a textbook to learn about or explain PRINCE2; instead, the book is designed. And written in a way that makes it clear. So that it is a reviewer and exam practice workbook.
Why Should You Buy the Book?
Due to the increasing popularity and widespread adoption of the PRINCE2 project management system, obtaining ITIL Certification Melbourne is increasingly becoming a requirement for obtaining a new job, a contract, or even a promotion. Passing the PRINCE2 Exams For Dummies is a helpful companion product. So that may be used in conjunction with the official guidebook. Because when one is enrolled in a class to prepare for the examinations.
Exam timing
- During the PRINCE2 Foundation exam, you need to keep three things in mind:
- The time limit.
- The level of difficulty of the questions.
- The requirement is that you answer each question.
Timing is an essential component to keep in mind at all times. There are sixty questions on the test, and you will have one hour to respond to each. Because of this, we only have one minute for each inquiry. When you only have a limited amount of time to complete the test. It is in your best interest to devise a plan. So that will allow you to achieve the highest possible score possible. The approach of making three passes is the one that we advocate as a strategy.