Valve is an essential mechanical device most commonly used in many industries. You must know about specific equipment parts and working procedures to effectively work on any equipment. Similarly, knowing about the parts of a valve is very important because you can find it installed in many industries.
Different kinds of valves are industrially used, but the working procedure and the parts have a lot of similarities. All the parts and types of valves are described in this article. Now let’s explore valves without wasting any more time.
Any device which is used in any system or process that has a function to control the flow or pressure of a liquid is known as a “Valve.”. The primary purpose of a valve is to stop or start the flow of any liquid, change the direction of liquid, regulate the pressure of liquid for different processes, and change the amount of liquid that flows in a system.
Valve types
A Markers have a variety of valves. The reason behind making a different kinds of valves is dependent on their applications. It depends on the application whether the valve is cheaper or more expensive. You must have the information about the valve types to choose the best fit for your budget. Following are the most commonly used valve types.
· Globe type valve
Globe-type valves are mostly used at places where the primary requirement is to control the flow of liquid without any leakage. The globe valve is more expensive than other types of valves. The Plug valve type In mechanical engineering, tapered or cylindrical plugs stop or start fluid flow in plug valves.
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Flow passes through a passage on the disk-shaped like a plug. Sealing a plug valve bubble-tight and using it as an on-off stop valve is possible. It is possible to use the plug valve in a vacuum for applications involving high pressures and temperatures.
· Valve with butterfly
Butterflies are rotary valves that act as stop, regulate, and start valves. In general, butterfly valves have circular bodies that are short in length. As a result of its compact, lightweight design, Butterfly Valve can be used in large valve applications since it requires considerably less space than other valve types.
· The check valves
Check valves are installed in piping systems to prevent backflow. A valve is opened by the fluid passing through a pipeline, whereas a valve is closed by the flow reversal. Above are some famous types of valves. There are also other types of valves available in the market that you can use according to your job’s requirements.
Parts of a valve
Regardless of the type of valve, each valve consists of seven essential parts. In this section, you will learn about different valve parts with the necessary detail.
- Stem of valve
- Disc
- The Body of the valve
- The Trim
- Seat in a valve
- The Actuator
- The Bonnet
1. Stem of valve
During valve opening or closing, the valve stem provides movement to the disk, plug, or ball and is responsible for ensuring the disk is positioned correctly. At one end, it is attached to the valve handwheel, actuator, or lever; at the other, it is connected to the valve disc.
2. Disc
Disk valves have movable obstructions within their stationary bodies, which can restrict flow in a controlled manner. The disc is traditionally shaped in the form of a disc, but it is available in a variety of shapes. Different valve types allow discs to move linearly, rotate on stems, or rotate on hinges or trunnions.
3. The Body of the valve
In a valve, the Body contains the internal parts, trim, and exterior casing. Bonnets are the part of encasings through which stems pass and that form guides and seals. Valve bodies are typically attached to the bonnet via screws or bolts.
4. The Trim
A control valve’s trim is its heart, especially its mating elements that regulate the flow according to the controller’s requirements. Flow control features are required for each process due to their unique characteristics. It is important to note that valve trim includes the stem, plug, disc, seating surface, etc.
5. Seat in a valve
Valve seats are used for seating air intake valves and air exhaust valves. It maintains the airtightness of the combustion chamber by making contact with the valve.
6. The Actuator
As a mechanical device, a valve actuator is used to move or control a device like a control valve. Operators do not need to manually operate every valve that needs to be repositioned because actuators reduce the need to do so.
7. The Bonnet
A pressure valve’s bonnet covers the Body’s opening, its second most crucial boundary. A bonnet is available in various styles and models, just like a valve body. Valve bodies have bonnets that cover them, which are cast or forged from the same materials as the bodies themselves.
As essential industrial and residential equipment, a valve plays a vital role in controlling the fluids. This article will help you understand how valves work. You also learn about the types of valves that are mainly used.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Among the many valves used in industry, which is the most common?
In many applications, globe valves are among the most popular valve types. The linear motion of these valves throttles the flow, similar to gate valves.
How important are industrial valves?
Industrial valves are essential to understand as a product used to control fluids, gases, and slurries. These valves allow for the control of liquid flow or gas flow. It is possible to accomplish this by opening, closing, and partially obstructing pipes and other passageways.
Why are there different types of valves?
Certain valve types can throttle flow, while some can only stop the flow. Some valve types are suitable for corrosive environments, while others can handle fluids at high pressures. Each valve type has its advantages and disadvantages.
What is a needle valve?
A needle valve is similar to a globe valve but has a sharp needle-like disk that makes it different from a globe valve. Pumps with small diameters use needle valves to control flow very accurately. This disc type is characterized by a sharp-pointed conical disc and a matching seat.