We all know bad oral health can lead to gum problems and cavity issues, but do you know that it can affect your teeth as well? Developing bad oral hygiene can result in teeth or jaw disorders called a bad bite or malocclusions. But are there other reasons too? There are plenty of other reasons for causing this disorder, but an overbite should give you another reason to book that forgotten dental appointment ASAP.
An adult should have dental check-ups regularly. And, if you have a child at home, then do not forget to book regular pediatric appointments until the child becomes 14. Regular check-ups allow the dentist to clean the teeth and rule out the possibility of any problem related to bad oral health. There might come a time when your dentist might advise you to take orthodontic consultation for your child or yourself, either because of an overbite or bad bite issues. When teeth are misaligned, an orthodontist will correct them.
Read on to find out all the information related to a bad bite or an overbite problem, and orthodontic treatments, in this blog.
What is a bad bite?
Orthodontics study uses a technical term called Dental occlusion to define the correct alignment of teeth. A malocclusion is a bad bite or a misalignment of the teeth in the top jaw and bottom jaw. Untreated bad bites can lead to major dental and health problems. This condition might make a person self- conscious too, and can affect their ability to smile or laugh freely
Different Categories of Bad Bite
Bad bite is classified into 3 categories. Learn more about them below.
Class 1 (Bad bite)
The bite of the person is normal in this type, but problems occur when the top and the bottom teeth slightly overlap with each other.
Class 2 (Overbite)
Overlap between the top and bottom jaws and teeth causes the problem.
Class 3 (Underbite)
Problems start when the bottom jaw protrudes forward, which makes the bottom jaw and teeth to overlap with the top jaw and teeth.
What causes a bad bite?
Bad dental habits might lead to a bad bite. Apart from this, you should also learn about other conditions in this blog, which can lead to a bad bite.
- Impacted tooth – A tooth that has been prevented from growing
- Tooth Loss due to Injuries
- Mouth Tumours
- Cleft lip and Palate
- Bottle feeding
- Overuse of Pacifier
- Mouth Breathing
- Wrong fitting of dental braces, crowns, or dental fillings
What are the symptoms of a bad bite?
Along with knowing the causes, you should also learn the correct symptoms of bad bites. Two major problems associated with it are misaligned teeth and Speech difficulties. Other more common symptoms are:
- Mouth breathing instead of through the nose.
- Changes in the face’s shape
- Frequent biting of cheeks and the tongue
- Pain while biting or chewing
Your orthodontist will check the symptoms and advise the correct treatment for it.
Different types of bad bite
1. Crossbite
Problems due to crossbite can occur on either one or both sides of the jaws. It can affect a person’s front or back teeth. In this condition, the top teeth bite inside the bottom teeth. Dental disorders such as tooth loss and teeth grinding can occur if left untreated.
2. Open bite
Issues in this condition occur when the front top and bottom teeth flare out and do not fit within each other. This condition can impact chewing and biting. This bite can further lead to fractured teeth or tooth wear as the back teeth keep coming together.
3. Spacing
The problem in this type of condition can occur when space is created between either two or more teeth. The major causes are small teeth, thumb sucking, missing teeth, and thrusting of the tongue. Spaced teeth may cause problems like yellow teeth, bad breath, pain & bleeding in the gums.
This happens as the space between the teeth is not closed. You can learn about this condition, in the early childhood days itself. Preventing such habits in children can prevent the bad bite from occurring.
Treatment Options for Bad Bites
According to the study of dentistry (orthodontics), there are different treatment options available for different kinds of bad bites. Before deciding the course of treatment, it is crucial to fully understand and learn about the problem. Hence, an orthodontist recommends treatment options for a Child and adult that includes visual examinations, dental x-rays, and bite impressions of the mouth to be taken.
1. Removal of Baby Teeth
Detection of bad bites at an early age makes the task of their correction simpler. The most common problem that occurs in kids is overcrowding. The basic step in the treatment involves the removal of baby teeth.
2. Removable Braces
If you do not wish to opt for fixed braces, then you can choose removable braces. Many patients prefer to use these types of braces treatment options. These braces come with retainers, which are responsible for holding the teeth in the correct position properly. This step allows the line of the jaw to grow properly around the braces.
3. Invisalign
Other popular braces amongst patients are Invisalign. They are transparent, and they do not affect the way your child can smile. The treatment option of Invisalign works similar to dental braces. Similar to wires, the use of plates with braces can also support the jawbone properly.
4. Jaw Surgery
Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery or Jaw surgery to reshape the teeth is an option for adults. The study of Orthodontics proposes that for an adult, it might take up to 2 years or longer to heal from jaw surgery. A lot of blog options are available online, which can help in getting in touch with another orthodontist to get a second opinion. Some orthodontists might suggest the shortening of the jaw.
5. Growth Modification Treatments for Kids
A child can undergo an initial treatment known as growth modification. A device worn by the child enables them to move their jaw properly. This option is not for adults. Reshaping, or rebonding teeth is also a treatment option for malocclusions.
This step will only help in the alignment of your teeth again by making changes in their shape and size. It might not completely solve the problems. Capping of crowns or veneers in the teeth is also a good option for malocclusion treatments.
6. Braces
Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeons recommend Braces. Braces are a good option in the treatment of bad bites. The use of fixed multibracket braces can help in the alignment of teeth properly. You can learn more about this treatment from the informative blog section of orthodontic clinics. Let us learn some more about orthodontics and braces treatments. Dental braces are quite common when it comes to orthodontic treatments for a child.
The problem of overbite and other malocclusions are quite common in children. Braces can help in correcting the positions of a child’s jaw and teeth. They can be used by an adult too. Sometimes the condition of malocclusion remains unidentified in an adult. The condition is understood only after a dental visit. The use of braces will not only straighten your teeth, but they can also bring back your lost smile.
Braces can cause problems too. While eating food, the particles get stuck in the braces, because of which you have to brush repeatedly. It might also cause discomfort in your jawline. But the good outweighs the bad, and it is worth it if it means bringing back your smile to life. The treatment of bad bites with the use of braces is more economical and more comfortable during adolescence. We hope this blog was successful in answering your queries related to orthodontic treatments.